Archive for March 13th, 2008

A Case of the Blahs

I don’t know what is wrong with me today, but I just haven’t felt right. I don’t feel sick, but something unknown is making me feel weird. I have felt extremely rundown and a little emotional tonight. There is nothing I can point to as the cause. Perhaps I just need a good night’s sleep and will wake up back to normal in the morning.

Mark was on a business trip last night, and I was worried about how well the twins would do for me. They were great! They both went to sleep at 7 PM, Kate woke up briefly (5 minutes) at midnight, and then they both woke up at 6:30-ish. Miss Jennifer said they had an A+ day at her house today. Once I brought them home, they were just bursting with energy and happiness — especially Kate.

Unfortunately, they have discovered the houseplants. I love my houseplants. They each have a special story for me — one is from my dad’s funeral, one is from my Papa’s funeral, one my mom gave me as a housewarming gift, and one I’ve had since college and I’m just damn proud I’ve kept it alive for a decade! So this weekend we will be moving them into our bedroom — the one room they aren’t allowed in because the dogs are usually camped out in there.

Oh, and Miss Kate tried some dog food last night. Ugh. So now we need to remember to put up the dog bowls before we go to bed.

Well I am off to put this blah day to rest. Tomorrow is suppose to be a nice, warm day and I might take the twins out for some park time. A week ago today it was snowing here…tomorrow it will be 94 degrees…that’s Texas weather.

March 2008


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